If you are seeking a completely different and unique way of vacationing. Bike Florida may be just the thing for you. Here is the description from the Bike Florida Website.
"Bike Florida Inc. is a non-profit organization now 14 years old. Every year, Bike Florida hosts a weeklong bicycle camping adventure tour. The route varies, linking small towns with natural and historic landmarks along scenic country roads. The event is fully supported with assistance from local law enforcement agencies and safety signage, alerting motorists to “SHARE THE ROAD” with the 1000 cyclists on this weeklong adventure."
What truly makes a Bike Florida trip so great are the people you meet and ride with. It is an amazing assortment of the wacky, nerdy, slightly insane, and coolist folks you will ever encounter. I'm sure you will not only come away with a gaggle of new friends. But you will also have as many stories about the people you rode with, as of the sights where you rode.
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