Monday, March 1, 2010

It's Bike Month in Florida

May is bike month here in Florida. While the rest of the nation holds off celebration of bike month until May. The reason I have been told that Florida has chosen March is that because it's too hot in may. That may very well be the case in South Florida, but here in North Florida with night time temps around freezing and daytime highs of late not much more. Bike Jax will be following the rest of the nation and withhold the celebration of bike month until May.

Our honorable Governor Charley baked to a crisp Crist has reach into his files and rolled his tried and true yearly March is bike month proclamation today.

Here is it for all your reading delight.

It appears that ol'chucky has taken the time to update this years proclamation with the addition of a couple more Whereas's. If you would like past proclamations for comparison, here is 2008 and 2009.

1 comment:

Brent P said...

The great Governor is signing a mandatory bike lane use law.. Basically you can be ticketed for leaving the bike lane..