Animals vs. Bikes
|One of the great things about biking is that you can encounter all kinds of wildlife on trails. A downside, though, is that sometimes we get more than we bargain for when we cross paths with animals. Forget about being chased by a dog while riding your bike. That’s kid stuff. These animal vs. bike confrontations will knock you off your saddle.
Deer in a Bike Shop
In Pleasant Valley, New York, a doe wandered into a bike shop and raised hell. Her hooves couldn’t gain traction on the tile floors, so she “skidded around the shop,” and got herself locked in the bathroom. Though she crashed into just about everything, she didn’t cause any real damage, and was removed from the shop by local authorities.
Turkey Trot
In Minnesota, where the Department of Natural Resources implemented a very successful program to bring back once-extinct wild turkeys, groups of wild turkeys can often be seen patrolling the streets of Minneapolis and surrounding suburbs. Unfazed by humans, these turkeys have been known to chase cyclists. Can your bike outrun a tom turkey? Take a trip up north and put your wheels to the test.
Antelope Attack
While riding through the plains, a cyclist was knocked off his bike by a leaping antelope. The video is pretty amazing, but you’re a bad person if you laugh, because it’s clear that the cyclist was pretty badly hurt.
Animals vs. Bikes in Florida
Guys, I know we can top these. Florida fauna includes much scarier things than turkeys. Which ones have you encountered on your bike? If you’ve played “chicken” with an alligator, or been dive-bombed by Jamaican fruit bats, or found a snapping turtle wedged under your tire, let me know! I want to compile a list of hilarious stories of cyclists’ encounters with Florida wildlife. Leave your story in the comments or send an email to [email protected]
Photo credit: State Library of New South Wales collection / Foter / No known copyright restrictions
The Baldwin Trail is a great place for animal sightings. I’ve spotted dear, snakes, gopher tortoises, and a coyote out there. Been told of a black bear sighting, and regularly play chicken with the kamikaze squirrels on the trail. Early morning commutes are another great time to encounter a critter. I’ve seen several raccoons around town, and even scared the crap out of a silver fox in Mandarin once. Armadillos are the worst since they dont startle easy and tend to curl up into a ball like a big fleshy speed-bump but so far I’ve been able to swerve around them and haven’t had to bunny hop any yet.
If you do bunny hop over an armadillo, let me know! I’d love to feature that story as a blog post! Kamikaze squirrels! I love that image.