Would You Have a Bike Themed Wedding?
|Velocipedes and Veils
My friend in Minneapolis wrote to me, complaining about how annoying it is that people use the Stone Arch Bridge for wedding photos. See, the Stone Arch Bridge is for pedestrians and bikes only. It’s also very picturesque and it’s a popular spot for brides and grooms to have their photos taken. And when they do, they hog the bridge, much to the chagrin of cyclists who are just trying to get someplace. It is kind of disrespectful — I mean, you wouldn’t pose on a highway, would you? But it’s ok to slow traffic down when it’s just people on bikes. Yeah.
Anyway, her note got me thinking. Do people have bike themed weddings? According to Pinterest, they very much do: https://www.pinterest.com/britfox/cycling-wedding-theme/.
It’s a good sign. A sign that, in the future, instead of hogging space on bike trails, bridal parties will be on their bikes. But would I want to have a bike themed wedding? Would you?
Married To My Bike
I have to admit I’m one of those confirmed bachelor types, so the whole ‘would I have a bike themed wedding’ thing is really just hypothetical. My bike is my constant companion. And yeah it would be cool to find a lady friend who felt the same way about her bike, and who would hit the trails with me, and help me turn Florida into a great place to ride…I’m ok with it being just my bike and me for a while.
Lovely pic!